Fluoxetine (Prozac)


Prozac is a widely publicised Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) pharmaceutical antidepressant drug.

Medical Usage of Prozac

Many orthodox medical practitioners (mistakenly) prescribe Prozac for the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS):

– Double blind clinical trials have concluded that Prozac does NOT alleviate any of the symptoms of CFS and in fact causes CFS patients to experience tremor and excessive perspiration.

Nervous System

Prozac (60 mg per day) alleviates Bulimia Nervosa
Prozac is primarily employed in the treatment of some forms of depression.

Prozac is as effective as Clomipramine (Anafranil) for the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Prozac does not produce the side effects associated with Clomipramine in the treatment of OCD.

Side Effects of Prozac

Digestive System

Vomiting is reported as a rare side effect of Prozac usageIt occurs in 2% of Prozac users.


Prozac (rarely) causes fatigueFatigue occurs in approximately 4.2% of Prozac users.

Nervous System

Anxiety is an occasional side effect of Prozac usage (due to the increased levels of Serotonin that are associated with Prozac therapy):

– 12% of Prozac users report increased anxiety after commencing Prozac treatment and 5% of Prozac users discontinue due to this side effect.

Prozac (occasionally) causes drowsinessThis effect occurs in approximately 12% of Prozac users.
Headaches are an occasional side effect of Prozac usage.

– 14% of Prozac users experience headaches, however Prozac-induced headaches only cause 2% of users to cease using Prozac.

Insomnia is an occasional side effect of Prozac usage:

– 12% of Prozac users report Insomnia after commencing Prozac treatment – this side effect normally occurs only during the first few days of Prozac use.

Nausea is an occasional side effect of Prozac usage:

– 21% of Prozac users report nausea.

Nausea appears to occur most frequently during the first few days to two weeks of Prozac useIn those who report nausea but who continue its use, the incidence of nausea usually disappears after a few weeks of use.

Nervousness is an occasional side effect of Prozac usage:

– 12% of Prozac users report increased nervousness after commencing Prozac treatment and 5% of Prozac users discontinue due to this side effect.

Sexual System

Prozac may decrease sexual desire (in approximately 25% to 35% of Prozac users).
Prozac interferes with sexual performance (ability to achieve orgasm) (in approximately 25% to 35% of Prozac users).


Excretory System

People afflicted with severe ailments of the kidneys should not use Prozac (as Prozac is excreted from the body via the Kidneys).

Persons afflicted with severe ailments of the liver should not use Prozac (as Prozac is metabolised by the body in the Liver).

Immune System

Prozac is contraindicated in persons afflicted with severe allergies.

Nervous System

Parkinson’s Disease patients should not use Prozac as Prozac has been reported to increase motor disabilities in Parkinson’s Disease patients.


After Prozac has been absorbed, it is metabolised to Norfluoxetine within the liver.

Prozac’s half-life is 1-3 days and the half-life of Norfluoxetine is 7-15 days.

Prozac (and Norfluoxetine) are excreted primarily via the kidneys and urine (80%) and faeces (15%).

Commercial Availability of Prozac

A physician’s prescription is required for the procurement of Prozac.

Prozac is available as 20 mg capsules.